This week we're talking about starting

Tools to get you started and make you aware of time wasting

Another Excuse Newsletter

Welcome back to the Another Excuse Newsletter. It isn’t just another excuse, but a reason to start that thing you’ve been putting off.

What to expect this week:
👓Perspective - Just start
🔨 Tool - Rewind Pendant
🍿Consume - How to double a business
📖Concept - 2D vs 3D Lessons

Latest Podcast Episode

Today’s guest is … me!

The roles were reversed, and I was a guest on Jason Luboyera’s podcast Pillow Talk. He was my very first guest, and it was now his turn to ask me some questions. The episode is focused on Personal Branding and everything I’ve learned so far.

In the episode, we discuss:

  • Goals when building a personal brand

  • The importance of building a personal brand

  • The mistakes I’ve made along the way

  • How metrics change based on account size

  • And the future of personal branding

You can check out the episode here.


Just Start

I know I speak about this a lot, but over the weekend I had a few interesting conversations that inspired me to talk about this again.

So many intelligent, successful friends of mine are looking for something more.

They’ve reached a point in their life where they’ve proven to themselves that they can do the corporate thing and if they continue on the same path they’d be relatively successful, but not necessarily fulfilled.

They’re looking for something more and toying with the idea of starting a business.

The key word is toying.

Based on our social conditioning in school and even a laid-out corporate path, we tend to overplay the downside of failure in our heads.

And that’s where it usually stays, in our heads. It’s an assumption of unknowns and fear.

The dream of creating something more and feeling fulfilled is inspiring to the extent of coming up with these ideas and discussing them with colleagues.

That’s usually as far as we get because fear and the unknown take over and we do nothing with these ideas.

We beat ourselves up and feel shit about ourselves and our jobs because we put ourselves in this situation and we “can’t” get out.

It’s all about just starting, taking those little steps is far more rewarding than discussing the idea. Finding out that the idea won’t work is a better outcome than “what ifs.”

Break the idea down, how can you validate it today?

Who do I need to call to set up that first meeting?

Who do I need in my corner to make this a reality?

Rather fail than live a life of dreaming and beating yourself up for not taking action.


Rewind Pendant

I’m not sure if this is the best version of this tool, but I think it will become a staple tool in the products we use every day.

The rewind pendant is a microphone that you wear around your neck.

It records everything you say, including the discussions you have with others.

It then transcribes and organises these discussions based on dates and topics discussed.

This means you can refer back to any discussion, confirm what was said, or even review sales calls.

Imagine just speaking your shopping list or reminders out loud knowing it will all be recorded.

Yes, it raises some privacy issues, but they say they have features to ensure permission before recording. Let’s see how it plays out.

I can see this tool being extremely useful and important in many settings.

I’m not sure if its current form factor will be the final one, as I see a tool like this being incorporated into products like our phones or the new glasses brought out by Meta. Products we use every day already.

More and more AI-powered physical products are springing up every day making our lives easier and more efficient.

Consume (Read / Watch / Listen)

How to double a business

Once again I’m speaking about Alex Hormozi.

His free content is just levels above the rest because he’s not looking to funnel his followers into any type of sale.

It’s actually crazy how much value he crams into a video and this one is no different.

In the video, he gives an example of a company he invested in and how he improved their processes to double revenue in 60 days.

He speaks about the rates to look out for in business processes and the changes he made to the business to improve them.

The information is so practical and easy to apply to your own business if you’re dealing with a similar problem.

If you’re having any issues with sales cycles and conversion then this video is for you.


Canadian Comedy GIF by CBC

2D vs 3D Lessons

Chris Williamson talks about this concept a lot.

Basically, a 2D lesson is when you learn something secondhand.

That could be by reading a book, listening to a podcast, or watching a YouTube video.

You learn something, but it’s not nearly as valuable as a 3D lesson.

And you guessed it, a 3D lesson is more immersive, it’s a lived experience where you learn by doing.

Today, 3D lessons are becoming less and less common and so we tend to forget just how valuable these lessons can be.

By actually doing the thing, you learn how to do a task a lot quicker than reading about how to do the thing.

We all tend to fall into this trap because 2D learning still feels productive. We feel like we’re making progress and doing the right thing.

But it would save us a lot of time by just doing it.

Yes, I know there are fears and barriers in place, but I wanted to explain the two to make you more aware of it.

If there’s any opportunity where you can learn by doing rather than watching a video on it, do the thing.

It will save you time and you’ll learn a lot more specific to your experience and skills.

It’s a lot better than someone relaying their experience to you.

Do the thing!

Thanks for Reading

Now start something!

P.S. Feedback is welcome and needed! If you’d prefer to send me an email and not respond, you can do so here:

Check out my socials below 👇


or to participate.