- Another Excuse Newsletter
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- Push yourself to the limit.
Push yourself to the limit.
It's amazing what humans are capable of.

Another Excuse Newsletter
Welcome back to the Another Excuse Newsletter. It isn’t just another excuse, but a reason to start that thing you’ve been putting off.
What to expect this week:
👓Perspective - Upset by inaction
🔨 Tool - Obsidian
🍿Consume - Last Man Standing
📖Concept - Brain Health
Latest Podcast Episode
Mbulelo Jili is the founder of The Local Agency. The Local Agency (TLA) specialises in assisting tech businesses in establishing a strong presence on the African continent.
In the episode, we discuss:
• How TLA started
• What TLA does
• How Africa is unique
• The approach to marketing in Africa
• Mentorship
• Taking risks
And so much more...
You can check out the episode here.

Upset by inaction
This is a common experience, that many don't think about.
We've all done it.
Get frustrated about our circumstances or situation and blame external factors or even time.
If we've made the leap from blaming others to understanding we're to blame for our slow progress, we still have another step to take.
Understanding that your action is what determines your growth is half the battle.
Excuses still creep in, but the villain we blame shifts from others to time.
If you're frustrated about your situation because of inaction, then you need to do something about it.
Time is about prioritisation and we simply make time for the things that we feel are important.
If it's frustrating you, but you aren't doing anything about it, it's just not that important to you.
If it is, make the shift and do something.
No point in being frustrated with yourself.

Do you take notes?
If you do, then you should check out Obsidian.
It's a note taking app that enables you to organise and recall information efficiently.
It's a tool that lets you create notes in many different formats and they're kept private so only you can access them.
I've heard many successful founders refer to this app as their note taking app of choice and so I decided to check it out.
I'm still new to it, but it's worked out great for my podcast episodes and it's helped me refer back to things I've learnt.
In a podcast episode I may have a point I want to bring up, but can't remember where I saved the info.
With a quick search function, I'm able to do it on a call in real time without delay.
Pretty cool.
Anyway, if you're looking to up your note taking game, check them out.
Consume (Read / Watch / Listen)
Last Man Standing
I've heard about last man standing running events before, but when I watched this video it put things into perspective.
The race is simple, all competitors start the race at the same time and they have 1 hour to complete a 4.2 mile loop.
At the end of that hour they start the next loop. And they keep going until one person is left.
There's only one winner and every other competitor gets a DNF (Did Not Finish.)
It's more of a race against yourself than against others.
I find it fascinating how people are able to push their bodies to the extreme.
It’s a great video, well made too. Check it out.
How do you think you would do?

Brain Health
We don’t give our brains the love they deserve.
We take supplements and exercise for the health of other parts of our body, but our brains tend to get neglected.
Jim Kwik has 10 ways to improve our brain health.
1. It matters what you eat - you have to have a good brain diet
2. Kill your ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts. We can easily get caught in a negative thought spiral. Catch yourself and change your thoughts.
3. Exercise - strength training is shown to be the best for you. But any form of exercise is better than nothing.
4. Brain nutrients - preferably from your diet, but supplement if you have to.
5. The social network - find positive peer groups. They'll push you to be and do better. As they say, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
6. Clean environment - your external world is a reflection of your internal world.
7. Sleep - it's so important for good performance. I've spoken about it before, but aim to get 8 hours.
8. Protect your brain - my biggest problem. I header a football pretty regularly and it's not good for you.
9. New learnings - novelty helps you age better. Learn new skills, languages and games. It will keep your mind fresh.
10. Stress management - meditation etc.
If you can do pretty well at all 10 of these, then you're doing better than most people.
Thanks for Reading
Now start something!

P.S. Feedback is welcome and needed! If you’d prefer to send me an email and not respond, you can do so here: [email protected]
Check out my socials below 👇